Friday, April 24, 2020

Devices - Week 7

We all know the importance of being Cybersmart and as our world becomes more connected digitally there is a need for the increase of using 'cybersmart language'. Integration of cybersmart is an important part of planning and teaching to reinforce the importance of being a good digital citizen. Today highlighted the many ways it can be a seamless integration. I think the saying of the day that will stick with me was when Fiona said "being in the right place, at the right time, online!"
Moving forward as we explore the use of students blogs in the classroom I will be looking at ways to embed cybersmart into these lessons, of course with the help of my team and Amie our Manaiakalani facilitator.

Hapara Dashbaord makes student learning visible to the teacher as sites makes visible teaching for the students.

Hapara is a tool that I use daily in the classroom but during my journey in DFI I have learn't many new features that is provides. I can see how it complements what we do in Google Sites and I look forward to growing my confidence in using these new features I have learn't.

Devices - Chromebooks

As we explored the many different devices students used I enjoyed the section on Chromebooks more than iPads today. Teaching in senior primary this is a tool we use daily. During the 'Digital Dig' I learn't many new shortcuts and was also surprised at what I already knew. I was lucky to have my daughters chrome book at home, it gave me different perspective, a window in to what our students use. I found the smaller screen a challenge and it was a lot slower. Our Tairawhiti group was very quite during our Google Hangout and you could see everyone concentrating during this task. It's exciting to learn new things but when they  link  directly to your daily practice - it's game on! 
                                               Bitmoji Image
Here is my Google Slide of the 'Digital Dig' with some examples of my learning from today's session.

Screencastify has fast become my friend and I am thankful for the full use of all it's features for free during this lock down period. It has made connecting with my students so much easier and it's simply! I love the way it downloads directly in to my Drive and is easily embedded into our Sites. I have used it to finish reading our class novel, created short videos of instructions for students and whānau, reordered my self doing a dance (if you could call it that) for a 'Lock-down' staff dance to brighten our school communities day and to send messages to family and friends. I love this tool! :) I have also enjoyed using flip grid to get a snap shot of our tamariki and how they are feeling in their bubbles.

Once again today I struggled to grasp the concept of what Kerry was trying to teach us about blogger. I'm not sure if it's the fast pace she works at (especially for those of us that are relatively new to blogger) or if it's because of being at the end of our learning day? Learning online I find is a lot more tiring properly because as i'm concentrating and staring at a screen all day. I was pleases I wasn't the only one struggling with this content and we have been proactive and taken up the many offers of support from our local Manaiakalani coordinators, booking in a Google Hangout next week. 

What will next week bring...
Level 3 see's me returning to the classroom a few days a week to support our essential workers tamariki. This will be an interesting time with many new rules to follow in our school bubbles, but I am looking forward to bursting out of my bubble safely. 
  • Continue with our class Google Hangouts and check in with students
  • Google Hangout with Amie & Michelle to go over Blogger and Sheets.
  • Prep for Google exam


  1. Kia ora Janine,
    I agree, "being in the right place, at the right time, online!" is a powerful phrase. I really like this graphic from Madeline Campbell, Toki Pounamu Cluster. Feel free to use it with attribution.

    Ngā mihi,

    1. P.S. I forgot to say the 'Blogs I follow' gadget looks great now. Links work. Go you.

  2. Kia ora Janine,
    I love Screencastify as well. And like you my use of it has skyrocketed in Lockdown. There isn't a day goes by without me making a quick tutorial for teachers or learners. Such a good tool!
    Shortcuts sure save time and energy. I learnt a new one today ctrl+backspace! Yay!
    See you on Friday


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