Sunday, February 14, 2021

MIT 2021 - Here we go!

 MIT 2021 

Step #1 & 2 The Moonshot Proposal

The first step on our MIT 2021 Design Thinking Journey was to look at what the challenges impacting achievement that I have identified to focus on in this inquiry. My first challenge was keeping my statement succinct! What was the why? 
I read a book in 2016 called 'Start with the WHY' by Simon Sinek. This fundamentally changed me as a practitioner. In slide 3 I created a brainstorm of all my wonderings. Next we had to explore who the problem was for and how did we know, what evidence did we have?  Then unpacking what was my actual proposal and how could digital technologies support my inquiry. 

The second step we were assigned a buddy to ask WHY.
The 5 Whys Method - You know what the problem is, but the challenge is to solve it? The 5 whys technique will support you to dissect the problem and reveal it's underlying causes. The beauty of the tool is in its simplicity. Not only is it universally applicable, it also ensures that you don’t move to action straight away without fully considering whether the reason you’ve identified really is the cause of the problem. 
With the 5 Whys, our initial answers usually allow us to look at the most obvious aspects of a problem or situation. With every why, we dig deeper and deeper into the problem.  
The method is simply asking the question ‘why’ five times! 

Bitmoji ImageThis Moonshot proposal saw me challenge my own ideas and also took awhile for me to complete. Personally I need some time to process my thoughts and mull over ideas and explore the why.
I hope you enjoy my proposal. :)